fire extinguisher esssentials
Commercial Security Fire Safety Residential Security

Fire Extinguisher Essentials

Enduring a house or office fire can be devastating. However, learning some fire extinguisher essentials can be the difference between a small mishap and a disastrous blaze. Let’s delve into the proper use of fire extinguishers to safeguard lives and property. Choose the Right Type Fire extinguishers come in various types, each designed to combat...

tips to thwart car thieves
Commercial Security Crime Residential Security

Tips to Thwart Car Thieves

More than 50 vehicles are stolen in Houston every single day. You may wonder if there is anything you can do to prevent it. With some simple precautions and awareness, you can significantly reduce the risk of your car being stolen. Check out these easy tips to thwart car thieves. Secure Your Car: This may...

teach kids about stranger safety
Children Family and Parenting Residential Security

Teach Kids About Stranger Safety

It’s important to teach kids about stranger safety. In the past this may have been called “stranger danger,” however using this terminology implies all strangers are dangerous, and anyone they know is not dangerous. Perhaps the topic should be called “personal safety.” Kids need to know what to do in tricky situations whether the adult...

american heart month health tips
Commercial Security Healthcare Residential Security

American Heart Month Health Tips

February is American Heart Month and is all about awareness and heart heath tips. American Heart Month was first declared in 1964, and is a great time to learn more about heart health basics, dispel some myths, and equip ourselves with important heart knowledge. Love Your Lifestyle, Love Your Heart: First things first, let’s talk...

flammable liquids burn
Commercial Security Fire Safety Residential Security

Awareness Alert: Flammable Liquids Burn

National Burn Awareness Week is coming up again, with the 2024 theme being “Flammable Liquids Burn.”  The American Burn Association sponsors this annual campaign each year to bring awareness to what can cause these devastating injuries to aid in preventing them. Understanding these substances is important for preventing accidents and ensuring the safety of ourselves...

Privacy Settings on Social Media
Commercial Security Residential Security Scams Technology and Computing

Privacy Settings on Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives, allowing us to connect with friends, share our experiences and stay updated on the latest trends. However, with the convenience of social media comes the need to safeguard our personal information and protect ourselves from potential fraud. By understanding privacy settings...

baby-proofing basics
Children Family and Parenting Residential Security

Baby-Proofing Basics

Welcoming a new addition to the family is an exciting and joyous occasion, but it also comes with the responsibility of ensuring a safe environment for your baby. Here are some baby-proofing basics to help you create a secure haven for your little one to explore and grow. Start Early and Assess Each Room: Baby-proofing...

Is It an Imposter Scam?
Commercial Security Residential Security Scams

Is It an Imposter Scam?

Tricksters are everywhere trying to fool you into giving them your personal info or money. Their methods have become increasingly sophisticated, and almost anyone can fall for them. How can you tell if it is an imposter scam? This guide will outline some simple yet effective steps to safeguard yourself from falling victim. Watch Out...

survival supplies for winter road travel
Commercial Security Residential Security

Survival Supplies for Winter Road Travel

With the hard freeze arriving in Houston this week, we’ve seen iced over bridges and closed roads in the area. To ensure your safety during winter road trips, even if just around town, it’s essential to be prepared with the right supplies. Here’s a guide to the must-have survival supplies for winter road travel. Emergency...

can you defend yourself?
Commercial Security Crime Residential Security

Could You Defend Yourself?

In today’s world, safety should be a priority for everyone. If you had to, could you defend yourself? While you’d never want to live in fear, having a few self-defense tricks up your sleeve can boost feelings of confidence and empowerment. This post is all about simple yet effective self-defense techniques anyone can use.  Awareness...

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