French Door Security 101
French doors have become a mainstay in modern home design and renovation. Featuring two adjacent doors with multiple small window panes, they are often used in foyers and back doors. While French doors are an undeniably brilliant addition to the home, they pose a serious security risk that shouldn’t be overlooked. Security Concerns of French…
Where to Store a Spare House Key
It’s happened to all of us at some point. We turn the lock and head out the door, only to discover our keys are locked inside or we arrive home only to discover we don’t have our keys. It’s really nice to have a spare house key stashed somewhere so we can get in if…
Home Security Myths and Misconceptions
Crime Doesn’t Happen in My Neighborhood Think your home is safe from burglary because you live in a nice neighborhood? Unfortunately, many homeowners have the perception of security due to their geographic location. In reality, though, burglars can strike anywhere, anytime. Some burglars will even target “nice neighborhoods,” assuming the homes contain more valuables. If…